Hello people of NRNA (I made this abbreviation up : P) I have returned! To those who are still active, you might have been wondering: "Hey! Where the hell has Komi been?" Well here is the answer to that simple question!
I had gotten Yukio's pm probably a day after the site had gotten hacked, I tell you I was livid when I found out who hacked us and destroyed all our work. (I knew we shouldn't have made D admin, I simply didn't say shit.) I tried registering, but you guys weren't allowing any members at the time.
However! Yukio was apparently on another rp site that I.. well.. rp on. We chatted, he let new people register so that.. well.. I can register, and here I am! I swear to you guys that we shall make this site even better than the last. You can count on it!